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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Washington February 2009 Bar Exam...All Agency All the Time

I am officially done with my second bar exam! I have come to the conclusion that studying for your second bar exam is more painful than your first, but actually taking it is much less stressful. I was super nervous for Texas during the actual exam, but during this test I just thought "hey at least I am already licensed SOMEWHERE."

The substantive portion of the test could not have covered better topics. However there was so much least three questions. Usually they sprinkle Community Property throughout this exam, but this time they were all about Agency. I got so sick of writing about respondeat superior and actual/apparent authority. The three subjects not tested were my weakest: Commercial Paper, Trusts, and Indian Law.

For those who want to know, here's a list of the subjects I think were tested...

Day 1
1. Civil Procedure (with a tiny bit of evidence)
2. Torts (negligence, strict liability, and a sort of far fetched products liability)
3. Wills
4. Criminal Procedure
5. Family Law and Community Property (no children in this question so very strange)
6. Constitutional Law
7. Corporations (with quite a bit of agency)
8. Contracts
9. Weird question that freaked everyone out, but was mostly Agency with surface level Contract and Tort issues

Day 2
10. Criminal Law
11. Property
12. LLP, General Partnerships, and Agency
13. Criminal Procedure again (with a bit of evidence)
14. Civil Procedure again
15. Secured Transactions
16. Sales
17. Torts (intentional and privacy torts)
18. Evidence (my best subject so it felt like it ended on a good note!)

Now I just have to wait until May for the results...