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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Texas Report

For the 2009/2010 holiday season, the Vaughns traveled to Texas. We didn't take very many pictures, but I thought some people might enjoy them...

Berlin and Remus flew with us to Houston and received doggie sedatives to make the flight a more pleasant experience. They're well traveled canines and are pretty used to this routine, but they can still be a hassle. While Remus took the usual cocktail, the vet in Seattle prescribed human xanax for Berlin because of his tiny poodle syndrome. This did not work out very well.

While Berlin was "tripping" he was very interested in my wine and the salmon rolls at Vino Volo in the Sea-Tac airport.

A quick drink before getting on the plane...

While staying in Dallas, the poodles ended up getting us a room upgrade at the Westin. They were particularly whiny one night while we were having dinner at a friend's house and the night staff picked them up "so they would not be lonely." We came back to find our dogs well cared for and our room upgraded to a suite. Here is a pick of the poodles with the night staff...

While Berlin and Remus were making trouble, we hung out with Charles' friend Big Jon and his Star Trek tree...

We also played magic with his adorable new daughter Brook...

As many of you know, it snowed in Dallas over Christmas. During Christmas lunch, Charles' uncle Mike found an innovative way to keep beverages cold which Remus felt the need to investigate...

The poodles also enjoyed the farm where Uncle Mike and Aunt Deb live...

After driving back to Houston, the poodles relaxed at Charles' dad's house while humans went shopping. I finally purchased a real pair of cowboy boots at this fine establishment...

While in Houston I also got to meet up with the HP Meetup group and eat good Mexican food...

I also got to see a number of great friends whom I miss very much. You can see the whole set here.

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