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Sunday, January 18, 2009

One month and counting

The February Washington bar exam is one month away and I am starting to get that nervous I-can-never-be-prepared-enough feeling that everyone gets. This experience has been very different from studying for the Texas bar for a few reasons.

First, Washington is one of 2 states (the other is Louisiana) that does NOT use the MBE or Multi-State bar exam. Instead the Washington bar is a series of essays covering various topics. This is good for me because I hated studying for the MBE and tend to just get tricked by multiple choice.

My method of studying is also different. Because I am not taking a lot of time off work, I decided to take the BarBri iPod course this time around instead of the classroom course I took in Texas. So instead of piling into a room with 500+ people to listen to someone you can't see lecture, I hang out at home with an iPod full of lectures and try to stay disciplined about it.

I am also surprised about the differences between Texas and Washington law. I thought that because both states are community property states, family law would be easy...but no, there are lots of differences. Well, off to do some practice questions...

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