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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Whiskey tasting and health care

Last night Charles and I went to a Whiskey Tasting in Leiden at this pub with a coworker and some other random people. It was really a lot of fun. I have done wine tastings before, but never whiskey. It was different, but definitely enjoyable.

In other news, I had my first experience with the Dutch health care. On Friday I went to the doctor because last week Charles had a skin infection and he seemed to have passed on a bit of it to me. Charles had a good experience with this doctor and I figured it would be best to get acquainted so I decided to go in.

In the US, I probably would have made an appointment with my dermatologist straight away, but here you have to see a general practitioner first who will refer you to a specialist. The office about a 5 minute walk from our apartment and it was quite nice although the building and equipment seemed older than my doctor's office in the US. The doctor prescribed me some antibiotics for the skin infection and also filled some prescriptions for daily stuff I took while in the States. Afterwards I walked about 2 minutes to the pharmacy and was pleased to find out how cheap filling all my prescriptions were. Even though this pharmacy did not take my health insurance, everything was much cheaper than in the US. So there might be something to this whole socialized health care thing after all.

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