Last night was undoubtedly historic and this election was very special to us. We voted for Obama in the Global Democratic Primary in The Hague and got to hear arguments for and against him from our Dutch and other European friends. It was definitely a very different perspective and I will always remember
these pics Charles snapped before the nomination.
In Seattle, I hardly knew anyone who was not voting for Obama. My law firm even served as his political counsel. So it wasn't a big surprise that he won, but I am still elated and showing it off with my Obama threads...
Because last night was so historic, I am sure I will be asked "Where were you when Obama got elected?" Unfortunately we were in the doggie emergency room. I accidentally cut Remus' leg while trying to get a matt out of his fur. He needed stitches, but he's a tough little poodle and will be OK. Here is a picture of the little guy at the vet on this very special election night...